“A peaceful mind entertains noble thoughts, which in turn, inspire noble actions. Such an enlightened individual becomes a catalyst of change in the wider society.”
- Swami Tejomayananda

Our Flagship Program

Viveka Darshana

Our flagship program Viveka Darshana aims to Instill noble ideas in young minds and inspire them to build a moral and noble character with inspiration from the life and teachings of Swami Vivekananda.

One of the best ways to inspire young minds towards nobleness is to provide them a role model who has demonstrated it in his/her life. Swami Vivekananda is one such towering personality from whom one can draw inspiration to design one’s life in a way that it will be meaningful both to self and the society.

Through this program we intend to

  • Kindle in the minds of students the importance of a holistic and moral personality and provide the resources to aid them build such a personality.
  • Provide a serene atmosphere infused with noble ideas and the silence to enable them to introspect and turn inwards.
  • Give a glimpse of a disciplined lifestyle and its importance.

All participants will be awarded a certificate of participation signed by Noble Thoughts and RIMSE

Our Completed Events

Viveka Darshana Jan-23 Batch

Venue :RIMSE, Mysuru

The 1st batch of the Viveka Darshana program was conducted at RIMSE, Mysuru on 6th , 7th and 8th January 2023. Read More A total of 70 students from Nrupatunga University, Bangalore and MES institute of management, Rajajinagar Bangalore participated in the program. Please see the testimonials section to see their feedback about the program. A total of 70 students from Nrupatunga University, Bangalore and MES institute of management, Rajajinagar Bangalore participated in the program. Please see the testimonials section to see their feedback about the program. Read Less

Viveka Darshana Oct-23 Batch

Venue :RIMSE, Mysuru

The 2nd batch of the Viveka Darshana program was conducted at RIMSE, Mysuru on 27, 28 and 29 October 2023. Read More A total of 70 students from Sheshadripuram Academy Of Business Studies, Kengeri Bangalore participated in the program. Please see the testimonials section to see their feedback about the program.A total of 70 students from Sheshadripuram Academy Of Business Studies, Kengeri Bangalore participated in the program. Please see the testimonials section to see their feedback about the program. Read Less

Viveka Darshana Upcoming Batch

Venue :RIMSE, Mysuru

The next iteration of the program is being planned and details will be published soon.

Sample Schedule

Day 1: Arrival and Orientation

Day 2: Self Excellence

1 06:30 am 07:00 am Prayer and Meditation
2 07:00 am 08:00 am Yoga/Nature Walk
3 08:00 am 09:00 am Breakfast
4 09:00 am 10:15 am Intro to Life and Teachings of Swami Vivekananda
5 10:15 am 10:30 am Break
6 10:30 am 11:45 am Power of Character and Traits of a Noble Character
7 11:45 am 12:00 pm Break/snacks
8 12:00 pm 1:15 pm 3 or 5 Inspiring Ideas of Swami Vivekananda
9 1:15 pm 2:15 pm Lunch
10 2:15 pm 3:15 pm Rest
11 3:15 pm 4:15 pm Time for self introspection and setting Goal for self
12 4:15 pm 4:45 pm Break
14 04:45 pm 6:15 pm Activity
15 6:15 pm 6:45 pm Freshen up
16 6:45 pm 7:45 pm Guided meditation + Chanting
18 8:00 pm 9:00 pm Dinner
19 10 Lights off

Day 3: Going Beyond Oneself

1 06:30 am 07:00 am Prayer
2 07:00 am 08:00 am Yoga/Nature Walk
3 08:00 am 09:00 am Breakfast
4 09:00 am 10:30 am My India - India Eternal & Patriotism
5 10:30 am 10:45 am Break
6 11:45 pm 11:30 pm Activity (Goal Setting)
2 11:30 pm 12:15 pm Feedback and Wrap-up + 5 mins for how to keep in touch
2 12:30 pm 01:15 pm Lunch
2 01:15 pm 01:30 pm Depature

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